Frank August Netzel II

Frank August Netzel II

On July 20th Frank quietly slipped away to the arms of the Lord that he served so well his entire life. If you had the joy of encountering Frank then you found him to be a quiet, unassuming, kind, and generous person that was the best listener. Always a voracious reader and avid astronomy buff. When we gaze at the stars, we will always think of him. Born in Chicago on October 25, 1940, to Frank and Florence Netzel. He grew up in Lake Geneva, WI, was ordained a Franciscan Friar, and served his community until he left the order in 1970. In 1972 he met and married his wife Ruth and was a devoted husband for 49 years. The greatest joy of his life was being Dad to his two sons Jonathan and Jeremy. He delighted in having Jeremy’s wife Daniele join our family and was thrilled to welcome his granddaughter Cecilia last year. Frank received his master’s from Northern Illinois University and was a doctoral candidate at Northwestern. As Frank Netzel & Assoc. he wrote training videos and traveled to Washington DC to train for the Dept. of Justice. For the past 16 years, Frank and Ruth have owned and operated The Galena Log Cabin Getaway and Adventure Creek Alpaca, and Golden doodle Farm. There must have been quite the celebration as he joined our loved ones who crossed over before him and all who remain here will miss him greatly. There will be a celebration of Frank’s life on August 3rd at 6:00 PM at Casper Bluff. A Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated at 1 PM on August 14, 2021, at Saint Paul of the Cross, Park Ridge, IL and where family and friends may gather after 12:15 until time of the mass. Burial will be in All Saints Cemetery. The Furlong Funeral Chapel, Galena is assisting the family.

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