The directors at Furlong Funeral Chapel can personalize any type of service so it meets your family’s wishes and will be both meaningful and affordable. Whether the service will be a traditional funeral with a ground burial or a direct cremation, they’re always available to help you plan and design a memorial that fully reflects your wishes.
A traditional funeral service generally includes the aspects below:
– Casket
– Transfer of the deceased to the funeral home
– Embalming
– Dressing, cosmetology and other care of the deceased
– Professional support and administrative staff assistance
– Use of visitation rooms
– General use of the facilities for the service and arrangements
– Funeral service
– Use of funeral coach
– Limousine
– Utility car
– Burial, entombment or cremation of the remains.
– Register book
– Acknowledgment cards
– Memorial folders or prayer cards
Cremation does not reduce service choices. A funeral service followed by cremation does not need to differ from a funeral service followed by ground burial. Following the funeral service and cremation, the cremated remains are usually placed in an urn before being committed to a final resting place. The cremation urn may be interred in an existing family burial plot or special cremation section at a cemetery.
Direct Burial
A direct burial is named as such because the body is buried shortly after death, within 24 hours, unless services are to be held. If no viewing or visitation is involved, no embalming is necessary. A memorial service may be held at the graveside or later.
Direct Cremation
The body is cremated shortly after death, according to state law, without embalming. The cremated remains are placed in an urn or other container. No viewing or visitation is involved, although a memorial service may be held, with or without the cremated remains present. The remains can be kept in the home, buried or placed in a crypt or niche in a cemetery, or buried.
In addition to planning the above, Furlong’s Funeral Chapel will help with:
– notifying family and friends
– writing obituaries and placing funeral notices
– securing death certificates
– cemetery arrangements
– facilitating clergy selection
– arranging floral and musical tributes
– legal and insurance matters, including Social Security and Veteran’s benefits
Clergy honorariums, funeral dinner expenses, and cemetery charges are some examples of costs Furlong’s Funeral Chapel can pay on your behalf. You are then left to deal with only one bill.